- Open Letter to ACT Sports and Recreation bodiesAs the Shadow Minister for Sports and Recreation, I am pleased to be able to announce the following initiatives to support clubs and associations in the ACT. We will invest more than $30 million over four years for the infrastructure needed to support local sporting clubs and associations. Click on the link below to read more about our specific initiatives.
- Canberra Liberals announce initiatives to support local Indigenous CommunityThe Canberra Liberals have today announced a number of initiatives designed to recognise the rich cultural heritage of our local Indigenous Community. Initiatives include working with the Community to transition control of Boomanulla Oval and the Ngunnawal Bush Healing Farm back to them. There are also a number of funding initiatives to help further the work of local organisations who do important work for the community. To read more, click on the link below.
- National Police Rememberence Day 2024On Friday, 27 September, I had the privilege to represent the Leader of the Opposition, The Hon Peter Dutton MP at the National Police Remembrance Day service to pay our respects and lay a wreath in their honour.
- Connecting to the Disability CommunityAs the Shadow Minister for Disability, I am pleased to announce an additional spending of over $8 million over 4 years. The focus of our initiaitves include specific annual funding for the Disability Person’s Organisations, increased access to diagnosis for those who are neurodivergent, and grants to support those wanting to enter the workforce, including apprenticeships.
- Canberra Liberals Government to boost Police NumbersCanberra Liberals Government will deliver an additional 200 new police officers in the ACT as part of a total community safety package. You can read more of what we will deliver here. Like and Share if you want to see more police in the ACT.
- Another Damning AG ReportACT Policing infrastructure mis-management confirmed Today, I spoke with WIN News on the damning report on ACT Policing Services released by the ACT Auditor General, relased last Friday. The Auditor …
- Canberra Liberals call for ‘Jack’s Law’ to be considered to reduce knife-related violenceNews Release Peter Cain MLA & James Milligan MLA The Canberra Liberals will move a motion calling on the ACT Government to consider increased powers for ACT Policing consistent with …
- It’s time to prioritise community safety and well-beingRecently I published an opinion piece in the Canberra Daily calling on the government to prioritise our community safety and well-being. This came after it was revealed that the ACT …
- Police and Emergency Services Minister fails frontline workers again with JESC debacleNews Release Shadow Minister for Police and Emergency Services James Milligan has once again slammed the Police and Emergency Services Minister for failing frontline workers after it was reported lead …