Kaleen / Giralang Fix My Street! Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Residential Suburb(Required)How satisfied are you with suburb maintenance in your suburb? Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied Have you noticed any specific issues with the cleanliness of maintenance in your suburb? Yes and I reported it on Fix My Street Yes, but no action has been taken yet No No, and I am happy with the current state of cleanliness and maintenance Other If you ticked other above, can you provide more information?How effective do you find Fix My Street in addressing suburb maintenance and related issues? Very Effective Somewhat Effective Neutral Somewhat Ineffective Very Ineffective How effective do you find Fix My Street in addressing suburb maintenance and related issues? Very Effective Somewhat Effective Neutral Somewhat Ineffective Very Ineffective I have never used Fix My Street In your opinion, what are the most common maintenance issues in your suburb? Select all that apply Overgrown grass and maintenance Damaged cycling lanes and footpaths Illegal dumping Grafitti and destruction of public property Maintenance of parks and public places Streetlights How would you rate the cleanliness and maintenance of your suburb compared to other suburbs in Canberra? Much Better Somewhat Better About the Same Somewhat Worse Much Worse Do you have any issues or concerns you would like to raise?Would you like to sign up to my newsletter? Yes No I will be providing the results of the survey through my newsletter, by clicking yes you agree to receiving these to the email address provided above. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.