Meet James

James Milligan has been involved with the Liberal Party for over fifteen years and is now in his second term as the Member for Yerrabi in the ACT Legislative Assembly. James has long ascribed to the values established at the time of the Party’s foundation. His longstanding interest in Australian politics has helped him develop a personal understanding of those values as they apply to the aspirations of everyday people.  

James has held responsibility for a diverse range of shadow portfolios, including Policing and Emergency Services, Sports and Recreation, Disability, Vocational Education and Training, and Indigenous Affairs. His experience in the Assembly, coupled with a background in small business, has provided James with an opportunity to contribute to the development of sound policy, with insight as to how Liberal Party values apply to the aspirations of everyday people.

James sees the values of the Liberal Party as an enduring framework for a prosperous and stable society.  Common sense, personal responsibility, belief in the individual, freedom of choice, freedom of speech, freedom of association, free enterprise, respect for religious belief and the importance of family within a strong community are at the heart of our way of life.

Common Sense

Common sense means being able to identify that which is practical and beneficial. As it applies to governance, this aligns with being able to recognise when expediency or ideology is present. Clearly developed proposals with attention to short-, medium- and long-term results, plainly costed and demonstrated, gives people confidence that their elected leaders are focused on the best interests of all concerned.

Personal Responsibility, Belief in the Individual, Freedom of Choice

The Liberals are proud to be the party representing the individual, encouraging personal effort while supporting those in need.  Individual rights are balanced with the duties and responsibilities of good citizenship.  The rule of law, developed over centuries in our society, is by common consent accepted and abided by.  Penalties for ignoring the laws have been developed through consensus and legislated through parliament.  We respect the rights of others to follow their own beliefs, to hold their own opinions, and to speak freely within these broad confines without fear of retribution.    

Education and the Contest of Ideas

A well-rounded education available to all students at all levels, no matter their socio-economic level or location, is of critical importance.  Good grounding in the traditional academic subjects prepares our young people to succeed in society irrespective of their chosen field of endeavour.  The classroom is the ideal environment in which to develop and explore the contest of ideas.  James believes in the importance of respectful debate, and the capacity to freely express concepts and ideas without fear of recrimination in any setting.  Our young people need to be equipped to analyse concepts and ideas, and to respectfully challenge or contribute as they go through life.      

Free Enterprise

The continued improvement of living standards relies on high productivity, and efficient delivery, embodied in effective, free, and competitive enterprise.

The Liberal approach to free and diverse enterprise and a free marketplace is vital to economic and business sector growth.  Opportunities for employment, and growth in support industries follow.  This approach additionally encourages and promotes innovation.  It is an essential requirement for our island nation to become more self-sufficient and less reliant on imported goods through capricious trade routes.

Full Potential (a Divided Society)

Social and economic pressures are creating divisions in our society.  Recent events, both national and international, have encouraged fractures in our local community, eroding the hitherto accepted concepts of tolerance and goodwill towards others.  Severe weather events prior to and following the rigours of the pandemic, coupled with financial insecurity, have heavily burdened our stoic country people.  Their capacity for “she’ll be right” is stretched to the limit.

A sense of well-being is affected by government policy.  To have the desire and ability to explore the options available to an individual, people must have the assurance that it is safe to do so.  That it is safe to take a financial risk, that it is going to be economically viable, that they are not going to be encumbered by social engineering, red tape and onerous financial or administrative requirements. 

It is critical that the Territory financial and economic policies and power are designed to create a climate in which the population is enabled to self-manage rather than controlled – micro-managed – by government at all levels.

All Canberrans must be encouraged to make the most of their potential, must be rewarded for their efforts, and should not be discouraged by uninformed political or socially fashionable voices.

The Problem(s)

Erosion of Values; Freedom of Speech; Freedom of Thought

Hard won traditional liberal values, evolving to the betterment of the population over centuries, are being eroded and under threat.  James is genuinely concerned that our individual values and freedoms, as outlined above, are increasingly subject to censorship.  Trends have emerged where people have become reluctant to express their personal opinions. A variety of external influences and societal conditions increasingly act to manoeuvre individuals into political and minority group preferred viewpoints.  This promotes self-interest over broader Territory or local community benefit.

James believes that traditional values must be re-established for the benefit of all Canberrans.  This is the structure within which citizens of the ACT have until recent times had the opportunity to succeed and prosper. This is the structure under which our country, far from the industrial and agricultural hubs of Europe and the United States of America, succeeded and prospered.

Self Determination, the Rule of Law, Interest Groups, the Role, and Purpose of Government.

There is a pervading sense that as a general population, we are regarded as irrelevant by our elected representatives. 

It is apparent that local, national, and international influences and practices are distorting our long-held views of what constitutes ‘the common good’.  In some cases, there are determined, successful efforts to avoid the rule of law.  In other cases, certain extreme factions loudly champion specific self-interest groups, denying the role and purpose of government, and exploiting the generous laws that support our free society.  A skewed concept of what constitutes acceptable behaviour is emerging, making the concept of a cohesive society less likely in the future. 

These influences and practices include “Wokeness”, “Cancel Culture”, “Identity Politics”, “Government over-reach”.  Our personal beliefs, attitudes, preferences, and actions are being challenged.  Many in our country are effectively prevented or deterred from pursuing their aspirations, due to unwarranted interference from activist groups.  Labor/Green governments have forced trendy political causes, based on ideology and agendas falsely represented as “noble”. In reality, these concepts are designed to undermine the mores that enabled us as a society to achieve stability and achieve decent standards of living with a relatively healthy population.

Our political opponents, under the guise of virtue, force these causes into our everyday lives without recognition of, or apparent concern for, the practical impact.  This comes at a substantial cost to individual freedom.  “Influencers” and populist processes cannot be permitted to dominate our personal choices of actions, or to restrict the economic progress of our country.

What we can do

James Milligan is determined to advocate for, and to support, the long-held concept of rights and opportunities for all Canberrans. Individuals have a right to express their chosen values – without blame, shame, or recrimination. The values espoused by the Liberal Party are essential to society’s wellbeing.

Rebuilding a strong community for Canberrans will result in a proud and confident Territory where democracy is valued and restored to the apex of our society.  We must again be empowered to think for ourselves and be able to do so without fear of threats or adverse reaction.

James believes that Liberal values do resonate with the beliefs of Canberrans.  Men and women who aspire to a life of success through hard work and dedication, and a life lived without the unnecessary intrusion of fashionable causes and political interference.  They are justified in expecting that their efforts and good citizenship will be acknowledged and rewarded.

A strong Liberal party, fairly applying its values to all citizens, will frame the economy in a way that rewards effort.  It will inspire people to consider the implications of social and environmental change. Policy will be based on consideration of the effect on households and business, cost and evidential studies rather than coercion, and will re-establish the ACT as a place where people are not ashamed of their history and culture, but proud to be called Australian. 

A New Direction

James has indicated his intention to foster and champion the development of a New Direction for the future wellbeing of Canberran Society.  During two terms in opposition in the ACT Legislative Assembly, he has observed how the ACT has become the social experimentation capital of the nation, because of the Labor/Greens partnership.  The uncertain path set by Labor and the Greens in the ACT is certainly contributing to the ongoing erosion of the values we believe should be restored to the centre of life in our society. 

These insidious influences must be challenged by value-oriented Liberals, and the many Canberrans who stand by common sense and the Australian way of life.  Together, we can work against this corrosion permeating our society.  We can encourage all those concerned by the decline in our standards, the incursions on our sense of fair play, and the demise of our once renowned “no-nonsense” approach to the world.  We can advance and support the ACT as a vibrant, optimistic place where everyone has a fair go, and no group has an unfair advantage.  Isn’t that what Australia is supposed to be all about?

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